As you setup your wireless access point you need to make sure it has encryption either it's WEP or WPA. My recommendation is WPA2 if you have that choice. More likely wireless network don't have a password on it - over 80% of them don’t. Using kismet the hacker watchs you check your email. Kismet records every packet you send on the network. Kismet records the email server you connected to, and the login name and password you used to get your email. The hacker lets Kismet collect wifi packets for several hours, usually during the peak times this wifi network is in use. If this is a nearby hotel the hacker collects packets through the evening, if it’s a cafe or sandwich shop the hacker collects packets during lunch. The hacker goes back home and runs dsniff on the capture files that kismet created. Dsniff dumps out all the servers and name/password combinations that kismet collected that day. The hacker gets your server and login name/password and sets up his email clien...
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