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Showing posts from March 7, 2010

Installing Apache

Apache is an open source web server application that works with UNIX, Linux, or Windows. The differences of IIS (Internet Information Services) which windows version and control by GUI (Graphical User Interface) or CLI (Command Line Interface) and it is easy to setup. IIS works in all version of Windows NT execpt Windows XP Home Edition. Apache by default is only CLI, but if you install " Webmin " (Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and etc.) which makes it controllable by web interface. To install your basic apache installation follow these steps: root@DTS-Enterprise:~/Desktop$ lynx root@DTS-Enterprise:~/Desktop$ gzip -d httpd-NN.tar.gz root@DTS-Enterprise:~/Desktop$ tar xvf httpd-NN.tar root@DTS-Enterprise:~/Desktop$ cd httpd-NN root@DTS-Enterprise:~/Desktop/httpd-NN$ ./configure...