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Showing posts from March 28, 2010

Networking Information

Scenario: Your the IT professional in your company and you notice that the previous employee was lazy or unprofessional in updating a network ( schematic is a map that links computers, routers, switches, and etc that links up to your network ) schematic. Now you need to updated. You notice that on the previous schematic that there are some missing information such as MAC Address, IP Address, or Host Name. Your company policy forbids any users to install any network scanner. Now your thinking how your going to get all this information well lets explorer our options. Remember these four tools they will become your friends. these only work in CLI (command line) except for MAC OS X which work in both environment by default. There are tools that do the same thing and this is another way to information that you need without downloading any third-party applications. In Windows ipconfig "ip address" or "host name" arp -a "ip address" nslookup "ip a...

HTA (Web Application)

HTAs not only support everything a Web page does namely HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, scripting languages, and behaviors, but also HTA-specific functionality. This added functionality provides control over user interface design and access to the client system. Moreover, run as trusted applications, HTAs are not subject to the same security constraints as Web pages. As with any executable file, the user is asked once, before the HTA is downloaded, whether to save or run the application; if saved to the client machine, it simply runs on demand there after. The end result is that an HTA runs like any executable (.exe) written in C++ or Visual Basic For example: File Name: Control File Size: 5KB Date Created: 03/30/2010 Download Now