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Unfortunately hackers target small sites more than they do larger ones and for good reason: Smaller sites are usually not really secured like corporate sites are. Smaller sites often don’t have the resources to realize they have been exploited. There are smaller sites than large ones. If your site was hacked in a malicious manner you have two options. You can sit around and think back on all the ways you should have hardened your site against attacks or you can start cleaning up the mess and get your site back on track. While intending college one instructor said that if a hacker wants your information they will get. There is no network that can be 100% secure because there is always a way to get in to a network. You just need to know how you’re going to bring your company business web site back up because time is money. Like what your reading then download the PDF.     Title: Repair a hacked web site File Name: Repair a hacked web site.pdf File Type: PDF ...

Opimtize your internet connection

PC World has a great guide to tweaking the more advanced settings of your router for optimizing your router for VoIP and video, though the same rules can apply for any bandwidth-heavy activity like file sharing or video games. PC World also mentions a few settings we haven't touched on before, like using a DMZ, splitting your traffic between two wireless networks, wireless multimedia extensions, and wireless intelligent stream handling. All these settings basically help perform the same task and allocate more of your bandwidth to one important activity whenever they're going on, so all the other things you're doing don't suck it up and leave you with poor quality video chats. They also discuss where to find these settings on six of today's most popular routers, so even if you haven't delved into your router's settings too often, it should be easy enough to follow along. Hit the link to check out the guide. How to Optimize Your Router for VoIP...

* Fun Bonus *

As you visit you just expect a regular web site, but with information. Sometimes web developers add a comment on there source code and sometimes it's funny and other times it's not. A few days ago I was viewing web pages in the terminal. This is what I had found on See screenshot below. The comment says " "Girl, you're a beautiful animal. I'll put a tag on your ear." - Cracker " I'm not too sure if web developers did it on purpose, but who knows I thought it was funny. To view it yourself go to, view the source for the web page, and scroll all the way to the bottom. Finally look at the comment section.

Using Lynis Audit Tool

Lynis is a Unix-based auditing tool. It assists an auditor in scanning an Unix system and available software. The software will try detecting installed packages, configuration errors, security issues and system information. The software helps with automated auditing and software patch management, and also vulnerability/malware scanning of Unix-based systems. It can be started from (USB stick, cd/dvd). Intended audience is system auditors, security specialists, penetration testers, system/network managers. (From: ). Download the PDF to read more about it. Title: Using Lynis Audit Tool File Name: Using Lynis Audit Tool.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 1.41 MB Download Now

Protecting Systems Logs & Controlling User Accounts

Protecting Systems Logs In Linux your log files are located in the “/var/log/*log”. If a hacker does not want leave there tracks they would delete these files after they were done. One way to protect these files is to restrict access to log directories and files by normal users. Use this command “chmod 640 /var/log/*log”. To read more download the PDF Title: Protecting Systems Logs & Controlling User Accounts File Name: PSLCUA.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 819 KB Download Now

Disabling unnecessary services

Chkconfig Enabling or disabling services on Linux it is simple to do. Like in windows you go to the run command type "msconfig" and go to the service tab and start enabling or disabling services. The only problem with the Microsoft version is that the operating system does not allow selecting which services to start when in safe mode. Linux version of this does allow you select which services to be turned on or off. The chkconfig is used to manipulate the run level links at boot time. It can be thought of as a fron-tend to insserv. Chkconfig can run in six different modes: terse list mode, set mode, edit mode, list mode, add mode and delete mode. The last three modes were added for compatibility reasons. (From: ). Read the PDF to read more about it.     Title: Chkconfig Settings File Name: Chkconfig.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 1.17 MB  Download Now

Protecting the Kernel

Standard Linux Kernel When installing Linux it comes with the default Linux kernel compiled which is okay for most user, but when it comes to protect your data it is also good idea to build your own secure configuration. To get latest state or beta version of the kernel go to Note: if you’re still unsure or feel uneasy if you want to do this then this is not for you. To get full details on compiling Linux Kernel you can visit: For security reason the DTS server kernel configuration can not be shown.

Linux Security

Linux security has several categories and these also include the controlling of the Linux file permissions & attributes, protecting the kernel, disabling unnecessary services, protecting systems logs, and maintaining user accounts. I am going to post a different PDF each day and today pdf is going to Linux file permissions & attributes. Read the pdf to read more about it.   Linux file permissions & attributes - 11/19/2010 Protecting the kernel  - 11/20/2010 Disabling unnecessary services - 11/22/2010 Protecting systems logs - 11/23/2010 Maintaining user accounts - 11/24/2010   File Name: Linux Security.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 1,090 KB Download now

Extract Embedded Media From Office Documents by Changing the Extension

Need to get one or more images out of a Microsoft Office such as Word with a extension of a .DOC or .DOCX file? This only works with Microsoft 2007 or later or another .DOCX compatible program. If it's a .DOC file, open it in Word and save as a .DOCX file. Make a duplicate of the file and rename the extension from .DOCX to .ZIP. Open the zip archive and you should see several folders. You're looking for the media folder which in this should be under the word folder. (from Extract Embedded Media From Office Documents by Changing the Extension

What is Nikto

Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6400 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 1000 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers. It also checks for server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and software. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated. Nikto is not designed as an overly stealthy tool. It will test a web server in the quickest time possible, and is fairly obvious in log files. (From: Features of Nikto Here are some of the major features of Nikto. See the documentation for a full list of features and how to use them.   SSL Support (Unix with OpenSSL or maybe Windows with ActiveState's   Perl/NetSSL)   Full HTTP proxy support Read on more on the P...


SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. The two major versions of the protocol are referred to as SSH1 or SSH-1 and SSH2 or SSH-2. Used primarily on Linux and Unix based systems to access shell accounts, SSH was designed as a replacement for Telnet and other insecure remote shells, which send information, notably passwords, in plaintext, rendering them susceptible to packet analysis. The encryption used by SSH is intended to provide confidentiality and integrity of data. Read on by reading the PDF.  Title: Using & Configure SSH File Name: SSH.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 1.23 MB Download Now

Keeping your software updated.

There is a software called " Secunia PSI ". Secunia PSI is a free security tool designed to detect vulnerable and out-dated programs and plug-ins which expose your PC to attacks. Attacks exploiting vulnerable programs and plug-ins are rarely blocked by traditional anti-virus and are therefore increasingly popular among criminals. The only solution to block these kind of attacks is to apply security updates, commonly referred to as patches. Patches are offered free-of-charge by most software vendors, however, finding all these patches is a tedious and time consuming task. Secunia PSI automates this and alerts you when your programs and plug-ins require updating to stay secure.   Pro's Provides links to update programs Can be ran as background service   Free for personal use only Compares you to other users in the city/state Rates how updated the programs are Con's May not have all specific applications You can download beta version at ht...

Using GnuPG

GnuPG is a free software alternative to the PGP suite of cryptographic software. GnuPG is compliant with RFC 4880, which is the current IETF standards track specification of OpenPGP. GnuPG is a basic program that has a command line interface, there exist various front-ends that provide it with a graphical user interface. For example, GnuPG encryption support has been integrated into KMail and Evolution, the graphical e-mail clients found in the most popular Linux desktops KDE and GNOME. The cross-platform plugin Enigmail provides GnuPG support for Mozilla Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. Similarly, Enigform and FireGPG provide GnuPG support for Mozilla Firefox. “From Wikipedia”. To understand how PGP you can read about at .   GnuPG File Name: GnuPG.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 2.36 MB Download Now

DTS Enterprise is back!!!

Get ready world that the new article/tutorials are going to be release tomorrow. Danny Tech Security was busy with reconstructing website at . Now that that site is almost fully functional here's a preview what type of new tutorials are coming in the next few weeks. GnuPG is the open source of PGP which means "Pretty Good Privacy" I can show more images of what is coming up in the next few week, but I don't to spoil anyone.

What is Metasploit?

The Metasploit is an open source computer security project which provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development and a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Metasplot can be installed in Microsoft Windows, Linux, or MAC OS X. Metasploit can check for the latest exploits on the web. Installation is simple for Microsoft Windows or Linux. As you see in the picture below. Read the PDF to get started. File Name: What is Metasploit.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 991 KB Download Now


WebGoat is a deliberately insecure J2EE web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons. In each lesson, users must demonstrate their understanding of a security issue by exploiting a real vulnerability in the WebGoat application. For example, in one of the lessons the user must use SQL injection to steal fake credit card numbers. The application is a realistic teaching environment, providing users with hints and code to further explain the lesson. From WebGoat is a platform independent environment. It utilizes Apache Tomcat and the JAVA development environment. The only thing required from the user is Java which can be downloaded from . Webgoat allows the user to practice in a safe environment with in the user’s network and webgoat can be run in Windows Linux, or MAC OS X. First let’s download the latest copy of webgoat

Lack of formal end-user training program makes IT look bad

The Author: Toni Bowers talks about how some companies don’t see the value of proper end-user training. They’re willing to pay thousands of dollars for a new product that is supposed to improve productivity but aren’t willing to do the one thing that will help with that product’s adoption in the enterprise. A good end-user training strategy will make new software deployments more cost effective. It is good post to read on your down time.;banner


Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card. Kismet identifies networks by passively collecting packets and detecting standard named networks, detecting hidden networks, and inferring the presence of non-beaconing networks via data traffic. Kismet Features 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n sniffing Standard PCAP file logging (Wireshark, Tcpdump, etc) Client/Server modular architecture Multi-card and channel hopping support Runtime WEP decoding Tun/Tap virtual network interface drivers for real-time export of packets Hidden SSID de-cloaking Distributed remote sniffing with Kismet drones XML logging for integration with other tools Linux, OSX, Windows, and BSD support Read more about it on the PDF. Kismet File Name: Kismet.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 1.60 MB Download Now

Checking for root kits

There are many applications that check for root kits. (A rootkit is a software or hardware device designed to gain administrator-level control over a computer system without being detected. The term implies that the motive of using a rootkit is to perform malicious operations on a target host computing system without the knowledge of the administrators or users of that system. Rootkits can target the BIOS, hypervisor, boot loader, kernel or less commonly, libraries or applications.) From Wikipedia. File Name: Checking for rootkit.pdf File Type: PDF File Size: 797 KB Download Now

New DTS Enterprise Inferface

I been busy redesigning my other website @ . That is one of the reason I haven't posted a PDF last week. If you ever need to find a PDF that I posted just click the link above that says "Missed a documentation then go to DTS Enterprise Documentation" and it will take you all the PDF that's been.

How To Install and Use Nessus

The Nessus vulnerability scanner is the world-leader in active scanners, featuring high-speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis of your security posture. Nessus scanners can be distributed throughout an entire enterprise, inside DMZs and across physically separate networks. Download the PDF to read more about File Name: How to install and use nessus.pdf Date Created: 06/29/10 File Size: 3210KB Download Now

Penetration Testing in the Real World

Penetration Testing in the real world. If you are tired of “Hacking with Netcat” webcasts or “Penetration Testing with RPC DCOM”, then this movie is for you. It’s a quick reconstruction of a Security Audit that Offensive Security had preformed over a year ago, replicated in our labs. The video is under 20 minutes long, and highly edited attacks rarely go as quickly and smoothly as this. To see the video click the link below: Watch as the user gets access to a MySQL and a Windows Server 2003. Of course this is a controlled environment. Watch Video

Employee monitoring: When IT is asked to spy

By Tam Harbert Computerworld - It's 9:00 in the morning, or 3:00 in the afternoon, or even 10:00 at night. Do you know what your users are up to? More than ever, IT managers can answer "Oh, yes" to that query. As corporate functions, including voice and video, converge onto IP-based networks, more corporate infractions are happening online. Employees leak intellectual property or trade secrets, either on purpose or inadvertently; violate laws against sexual harassment or child pornography; and waste time while looking like they are hard at work. In response -- spurred in part by stricter regulatory, legal and compliance requirements -- organizations are not only filtering and blocking Web sites and scanning e-mail. Many are also watching what employees post on social networks and blogs, even if it's done from home using noncompany equipment. Read More ...

Apache Setup (Part 2)

In the previous PDF (Apache Setup (Part 1)) I explained on how to install Apache web server. On this PDF Apache Setup (Part 2) I will show how secure apache and install the modules. In the PDF there is example about limiting apache. Example: Limiting Apache User Rights One of the biggest offenders is the root user. This can lead to some serious issues or say both Apache and MySQL are run by the same user/group. If there is a hole in one, it can lead to an attack on the other. The best scenario is to make sure Apache is run as the user and group apache. To make this change, open the httpd.conf file and check the lines that read. User Group Change these entries to: User apache Group apache if you get any errors indicating the group or user does not exist, you’ll have to create them.   File Name: Apache Setup (Part 2).pdf Date Created: 06/15/10 File Size: 1106KB Download Now

Apache Setup (Part 1)

To start apache is an open source web servers that can use local or commercial use for free under the GNU license. Setting up a web and an ftp server comes useful in any business. It can keeps the employees inform, employees can do purchase orders, IT asset tracking, and etc. Whatever the situation a web server can provide entertainment, social interaction, or web application. The apache will be installed in a Linux OS. Download the PDF to read more. File Name: Apache Web Server.pdf Date Created: 06/08/10 File Size: 1256 KB Download Now

Basic Management on Linux

Today’s I am going to explain a few Linux commands that can help you troubleshoot either Linux or applications. In the demostration I will explain the uses of mkdir, touch, locate, jobs, fg, bg, and file. These commands can come useful in future. Here's an example from the PDF. Changing Timestamps with touch command The touch command can change the access and modification times of files and creates files that didn’t already exist Syntax: touch -t [yyyy][mm][dd][hh][mm] [name] File Name: Performing Basic Management on Linux.pdf Date Created: 6/3/2010 File Size: 1,085KB Download Now 

Linux Permission (Part 2)

When opening a file or creating a file you want certain people have access to a particular to a file or folder. There is an easily way to check to check this over. In the PDF it talks about how to set the permission on files or folders. File Name: Linux Permission.pdf Date Created: 6/1/2010 File Size: 478KB Download Now

Smoothwall Express

In the previous PDF I showed how to build a firewall system and I used IPCOP (IPCOP originally came from Smooth Firewall) and it still pretty much the same steps of installing Smooth Firewall Express. I am assuming that you already have Smooth Firewall Express 3.0. Before continuing here is a short description from their website “SmoothWall Open Source Project was set up in 2000 to develop and maintain SmoothWall Express - a Free firewall that includes its own security-hardened GNU/Linux operating system and an easy-to-use web interface”. Download the PDF to read more... File Name: Smoothwall Firewall.pdf Date Created: 05/17/2010 File Size: 976KB Download Now

Norton Internet Security 2011 Beta Review

I have testing the new Norton Internet Security 2011 beta edition for the past month. I have to say that Norton has gone under changes. For example: When installing Norton Internet Security in the previous it took a while to install and sometimes it required to restart the computer. Now the installment is fast and no reboot require. Also, it is ready to go with in less than 3 minutes. All these features were available in the previous version of Norton and some are new features like Vulnerability Protection, Network Security Map. Download the PDF for the review. File Name: Norton Internet Security 2011 beta.pdf Date Created: 05/11/2010 File Size: 1140KB Download Now

Sample Penetration Test Report

Thanks to they have provided a penetration test report. In this report it contains the tools they used such as nmap, the white hats(Known as hackers), social engineering, and etc. Also, They include the current network configuration, the network drawing, and afterwords the reports discuss what steps were taken to improve the network infrastructure. File Name: offsec-sample-report.pdf Date Created: 05/04/2010 File Size: 1.36 MB Download Now

Netwars Competition

The NetWars game is a collection of computer and network security challenges. It is designed to represent real-world security issues: their flaws and their resolutions. Each player can follow an independent path based on individual problem solving skills, technical skills, aptitude, and creativity. The game is played in a fun but safe environment using the technology that drives our lives every day. The game starts when a player downloads and starts a CD-ROM image on a PC or in a virtual environment such as VMware Player. The image contains a brief tutorial and the game's full instructions. The player must find a hidden key within the image that is downloaded and then uses that key to enter an online environment where knowledge of security vulnerabilities and their exploits can be turned into points. Upcoming Competitions   June 18-20, 2010 PST September 17-19, 2010 November 5-7, 2010 December 17-19, 2010 April 29 - May 1, 2011 Click Here to read more

Internal Threat

In today's world, it is the internal employee and other internal threats that are the biggest security concerns for any organization. There are a lot of measures to ensure that one is well protected from the external threat but most companies do not concentrate that much on the internal threats. Follow the best practices for to mitigate internal risks. A few of my suggestions:   Have a well defined Internal Risk Assessment Program and Group.   Ensure that you empower this group with the powers to take corrective measures against errant employees and also that the top management toes the line too.   Conduct periodic internal risk audits. It would be better if these audits are sudden in nature.   Ensure that all documents and other sensitive data are adequately protected and access to the same is well documented and logged religiously.   No compromise/diversion from the existing policies defined whoever may be the person submitting a request.   ...

Detecting Computer Malware

In today’s world cybercriminals are putting forth every effort to make malware difficult to detect. Successfully, I might add. Ever confident, I thought I would have a go at providing information on how to make their job a little tougher. This requires you to know your system inside out which means what process are normal and which applications were installed by you. This is tricky and at the same time risky. Terminating a memory resident program that is critical to a system may cause some undesirable results, such as displaying the Blue Screen of Death or even triggering the system to restart. It is advisable to check if a specific memory-resident program is indeed alien to the system, which is not an easy task. You can either consult your operating system manual or search for that program in an Internet search engine. If the search returns no results or does not indicate a relation to any recent malware, it is best that you leave it alone Read More File Name: Detecting Computer Ma...

Registry Hack for Microsoft Windows

When XP first appeared, there was a lot of conversation about the new interface, both good and bad. In spite of the initial complaints, most users stick with the default settings rather than reverting to the Classic interface found in previous Windows versions. File Name: Windows Reg.pdf File Size: 457KB Date Created: 05/03/2010 Download Now

Microsoft Windows Blue Screen of Death

I'm pretty sure anyone that had used a computer a computer have seen the blue screen of death which is a way for the computer saying a driver or hardware/software had a communication error and was unable to recover. Usually restarting the computer will fix the issue. It is also, a good idea to keep a log of when blue screen of death pop up. The deafult setting for blue screen of death is that computer is going to restart automatic everytime. Windows keeps a copy of the error message in the Event Viewer .  File Name: BSOD.pdf File Size: 643KB Date Created: 05/03/2010 Download Now

Windows 7 - 19 Tips

As I used Windows 7 through out the months there features that have been improved such as performance issue.  It's more compatible with Windows XP applications, but more importantly responsive with applications crashing for locking up. Now if your a windows 7 user these are tips that you need to know now this article comes from maximum pc. Click on the link to read on ahead,

Windows XP Performance Tuner

When installing Windows XP for the first time you notice how fast loads. As you start to do the windows updates, installing the applications, and of course an anti-virus program. Even tally as a few months start to pass you start to install and uninstall programs. Which create errors on your registry, fragmentation on the hard drive? Today I will show you how tweak some windows settings in order to improve your windows machine. These methods only work if you have administrative rights. To read more download the PDF. File Name: Windows XP Performance.pdf File Size: 1.11 MB Date Created: 04/21/2010 Download Now

VirtualBox - Seamless Mode

As virtualization is beginning to become standard in desktops or on servers the IT industry is starting to change on OS integration. Today’s example will be shown in Virtualbox which is available in Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX. This feature is called seamless mode. Before I continue let’s review the minimum requirement to run a Guest OS. To learn how to use this feature download the PDF. File Name: Virtualbox Seamless Mode.pdf File Size: 1,049KB Date Created: 04/14/2010 Download Now

Linux File Structure

As you use Linux distributions you will notice folders on the root directory. As you read below it will explain what these folders do. The following list provides more detailed information and gives some examples which files and sub directories can be found in the directories: File Structure /bin Contains the basic shell commands that may be used both by root and by other users. These commands include ls, mkdir, cp, mv, rm, and rmdir. /bin also contains Bash, the default shell, and other shells such as csh, tsh, TC. /boot Contains data required for booting, such as the boot loader, the kernel, and other data that is used before the kernel begins executing user mode programs. /dev This holds device files that represent hardware components. /etc this is where the local configuration files that control the operation of programs like the X Window System. The /etc/init.d subdirectory contains scripts that are executed during the boot process. /home/username this holds the p...

Net Use Command (Windows)

There are many ways to map yourself or someone a network drive, but today I will show you how to map a network drive in the command prompt.  syntax: net view -- views all computers in the workgroup or domain network ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- syntax: net view \\computername -- views any share folders on the computer    example: net view \\DTS-Enterprise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- syntax: net use [drive letter] \\computername -- add a network share example: net use M: "\\DTS-Enterprise\Control Center" Note: if there is a space between on the folder you need to put quotes on before and after like in the example. You can use any letter drive as long as it is not being used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- syntax: net use [driv...

Networking Information

Scenario: Your the IT professional in your company and you notice that the previous employee was lazy or unprofessional in updating a network ( schematic is a map that links computers, routers, switches, and etc that links up to your network ) schematic. Now you need to updated. You notice that on the previous schematic that there are some missing information such as MAC Address, IP Address, or Host Name. Your company policy forbids any users to install any network scanner. Now your thinking how your going to get all this information well lets explorer our options. Remember these four tools they will become your friends. these only work in CLI (command line) except for MAC OS X which work in both environment by default. There are tools that do the same thing and this is another way to information that you need without downloading any third-party applications. In Windows ipconfig "ip address" or "host name" arp -a "ip address" nslookup "ip a...

HTA (Web Application)

HTAs not only support everything a Web page does namely HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, scripting languages, and behaviors, but also HTA-specific functionality. This added functionality provides control over user interface design and access to the client system. Moreover, run as trusted applications, HTAs are not subject to the same security constraints as Web pages. As with any executable file, the user is asked once, before the HTA is downloaded, whether to save or run the application; if saved to the client machine, it simply runs on demand there after. The end result is that an HTA runs like any executable (.exe) written in C++ or Visual Basic For example: File Name: Control File Size: 5KB Date Created: 03/30/2010 Download Now

New PDF Tutorials

I made some new tutorial enjoy! The Linux Permission PDF is how you can control your user see what files or folders. File Name: Linux Permissions.pdf File Size: 847KB Date Created: 03/25/2010 Download Now The Recover Your Data PDF is how you can recover your files in cases your windows operating system isn't booting up or your windows OS has spyware or virus.. This is the first half of recoverying your data. The second part will show you how to recover a deleted file, but that would be explain in the next PDF File Name: Recover Your Data.pdf File Size: 1540KB Date Created: 03/25/2010 Download Now   Hosted by Microsoft Office Live