In the previous PDF (Apache Setup (Part 1)) I explained on how to install Apache web server. On this PDF Apache Setup (Part 2) I will show how secure apache and install the modules. In the PDF there is example about limiting apache.
Limiting Apache User Rights
One of the biggest offenders is the root user. This can lead to some serious issues or say both Apache and MySQL are run by the same user/group. If there is a hole in one, it can lead to an attack on the other. The best scenario is to make sure Apache is run as the user and group apache. To make this change, open the httpd.conf file and check the lines that read.
Change these entries to:
User apache
Group apache
if you get any errors indicating the group or user does not exist, you’ll have to create them.
File Name: Apache Setup (Part 2).pdf
Date Created: 06/15/10
File Size: 1106KB
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Limiting Apache User Rights
One of the biggest offenders is the root user. This can lead to some serious issues or say both Apache and MySQL are run by the same user/group. If there is a hole in one, it can lead to an attack on the other. The best scenario is to make sure Apache is run as the user and group apache. To make this change, open the httpd.conf file and check the lines that read.
Change these entries to:
User apache
Group apache
if you get any errors indicating the group or user does not exist, you’ll have to create them.
File Name: Apache Setup (Part 2).pdf
Date Created: 06/15/10
File Size: 1106KB
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